Trader Training – How To Move Beyond “Enough To Be Dangerous”

Your biggest liability as a trader is NOT your emotions, your trading system or any other such commonly attributed factor.

What I've found in over 7 years of helping traders deal effectively with their challenges, is that the root cause of just about everything is becoming an active trader when you've only really learned “enough to be dangerous”.

As a self-employed, self-directed trader, you have many hats to wear and it is extremely likely that did NOT receive adequate training for all of the critical functions you now have to perform.

Put another way, you entered a new occupation with severely lacking training, thus you are trying to realize success as an incomplete trader.

When that happens, many destructive habits, response patterns, and mental conditioning get established and it is nearly impossible for you to un-do the damage, un-learn the bad things, and correct the situation, especially all on your own.

Then you wind up practicing ‘bad' trading for months or sometimes years, only further ingraining the counterproductive aspects of your trading.

Right along with that, your subconscious continues to sabotage their success, leaving you constantly frustrated and disappointed – because it knows that you are NOT the fully trained professional you should be to deserve the kind of pay you desire.

Oh you may pick up pieces of the puzzle here and there, but for most traders, going back and getting that solid foundation you needed at the start just doesn't happen.

Sure, you learned how trades are placed and the general workings of buying and selling of securities.

But you never got the chance to learn how to BE a full self-sufficient and truly proficient and independent trader.

  • You never learned how to get organized properly, and so it's all too easy to wind up jumping from one system to another to another, never really getting anywhere.
  • You never learned how to properly systemize your trading, so you struggle with consistency and fall prey to the “Discipline Myth”
  • You never learned how to tell a good system from one that will be difficult to trade (even when it is based on a sound strategy), so you blame themselves for a lack of discipline or think the creator of the system is just a scam artist.
  • You never learned how to properly document your system, so that it will lend itself to being traded consistently.
  • You never learned how to make changes to you system in a calculated and business-like manner, so it doesn't take long and what started off as a good system is now a hodge-podge mixture of different systems, and you can't even tell what changes helped and what hurt.
  • No one ever showed you how to properly manage your emotions, so you make the same costly mistakes over and over again.

Most traders learn how to trade, but very few get taught how to be successful traders.

You have two primary roles as a self-directed trader, and each role has several skills sets.

When you get the COMPLETE training you needed at the beginning of your trading career, you also finally un-do the damage, you give yourself the well-founded confidence you've wanted all along.

You gain the foundation that finally puts you on solid ground and let's you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And to help you with that, I've put together a very complete training package for you:

The Labor Day Complete Trader Training Special


1. Gain focus, clarity and confidence in your trading by discovering how to truly treat your trading as a business with the 8-Module Trading As Your Business Trader Training Program

Eight modules over 8 weeks. Covers everything for the role of you as the owner and manager of your trading business

Module 1 – Laying the Foundation

Module 2 – You, the Successful Business Owner

Module 3 – You, the Successful Trader

Module 4 – Your Successful Trading System(s)

Module 5 – Ensuring the Financial Success of Your Trading Business

Module 6 – Making Your Success Easily Sustainable

Module 7 – Bringing the Business Plan Together

Module 8 – Living Independently Once You’re Free

2.  Gain unshakable confidence in yourself as a trader by discovering all the in's and out's of how to be a true professional trader and how to have a great trading system – no matter what or how you trade – with the Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching Program

The three critical skills you’ll gain through the Trading System Mastery Program include:

    • Trading Method Systemization Without knowing how to properly systemize your trading, you are very very likely to struggle with consistency indefinitely, regardless of how disciplined you try to be.  It is just plain a losing battle. 

      In this training course, you’ll have the proper perspectives, process and techniques to take your trading method and systemize it THE RIGHT WAY so that it is very ‘trade-able’, complete and most importantly REPEATABLE for easy and consistent execution. This one is HUGE because a primary problem so many traders have is that their system is missing certain elements and / or qualities that just plain make it difficult to execute consistently and to trade it well.  

    • Trading System Confirmation – Without knowing how to properly confirm your trading system's potentials, there will always be a lingering doubt, especially when things don't go as planned.  Any time you start into a losing streak, the doubt and anxiety will drive you to deviate from your rules, to hesitate and generally lose faith in yourself and/or your system. 

      Here, you’ll know exactly how to properly confirm the performance of your trading system, so that you have the confidence you need to stick to it.  When it comes to ‘discipline’ problems like ‘hesitation’, nothing will help you more than unshakable the confidence that comes from PROPER confirmation. When you replace your fears with that kind of confidence, sticking to your system becomes the natural response and EASY. 

    • Trading System Optimization – Without knowing how to go about making changes to your system in an organized, business-like and calculated manner, you will find yourself very frustrated and nervous, because things won't be working, so you make a little change.  It works for a while, then it's not working so well, so you make another change.  This cycle repeats and over time, you have a system quite different from what you started with, but you won't know which changes to your system actually LOWERED its performance, and which ones helped. 

      It's quite different when you know how to go about make changes properly, whether it’s simply to make improvements or because circumstances force you to, you’ll know how to adapt quickly and confidently, always moving only forward. Nothing is worse than having things change, your system no longer working, and then not knowing what to do.  In ’08 and ’09, many traders blew out their accounts and were done with trading because they were lost. Never again be nervous when the markets get turned upside down.  Instead be in the minority that is thriving!

3.  Finally understand how to trade in harmony with your emotions so that they are an asset rather than a liability in your trading with the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management

The Trader’s Guide empowers you to:

  • Swing the balance of the equation in your favor – and end the “coulda, shoulda woulda’s”
  • Give yourself that edge that you’ve been looking for – and see it on your bottom line
  • End the regret from ‘emotional’ mistakes, and feel much better about yourself and your trading
  • Discover how to listen to your emotions, not just get pounded by them – feel some freedom
  • Have control over yourself when you need it – and feel your confidence soar
  • Stop “un-necessarily” giving money to the markets – no more having to make it back
  • Enjoy better discipline – be more comfortable sticking with your system, by having a knowing of why you’ve been deviating
  • Feel more confident about pulling the trigger when you see a good set up – get those winners
  • Be more comfortable with letting your winners run – and be partying instead of pouting
  • Most of all, you’ll be able to settle down and enjoy the good trading that you know you’re capable of.

For this Labor Day holiday, when you sign up for the Trading As Your Business training program. you get ALL THREE of these powerful trader training programs!

For me to work one-on-one with you, this coaching would run you nearly $2,000.

For the home-study versions, it would be $850

But for this Labor Day holiday weekend, you can get it ALL for just $497.

SAVE $350 and get the answers you've been seeking all along!

Become a complete trader by giving yourself that rock-solid foundation you were cheated out of at the beginning of your career!

Start right now by clicking here

You'll get immediate access to the Trading As Your Business Training, and within 24 hours of your order, I'll manually add you to the Trading System Mastery system, and I'll also send you the Trader's Guide to emotional management!

Don't wait or think this over.  You can't really afford to put this off!

Start right now by clicking here



P.S.  You were cheated out of the true fighting chance at the beginning of your trading career, but now you can set things right.

Start right now by clicking here