Escaping the "Egoic" Mind and Avoiding Bad Trades

One huge problem that faces traders is that of their ‘egoic' mind which lives in the past and the future.

You can recognize it any time that you have something running through your head, a thought, image or scenario playing out, that consists of elements that are NOT right now.

An example of this is when you see a setup forming and you are getting ready to place the trade and you feel hesitation, because your mind is replaying the last painful trade.  THAT is your ‘egoic' mind working on you.

When your egoic mind takes you over, you essential become ‘unconscious', probably to a significant degree (don't take that as an insult – I've experienced it too).

The simple action you can take to counter this is to very consciously bring your full attention to the moment, to the thought and the feelings you are experiencing.

Then – and this is really important – don't resist it.

Just recognize it and be fully present in the here and now.  Become fully aware that it is not you, but your egoic mind doing its thing.

At first this takes a focused effort, but as you practice being aware of your thoughts and feelings – and NOT just being caught up in them – you will find a level of peace that didn't exist previously when you'd simply be taken over by them.

You will also find it much easier to keep a clear head and do what you know you are supposed to do.

The book, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, goes into many aspects of your life that are affected by the ‘egoic' mind and how you can better understand what's happening, but most importantly how to effectively deal with many situations that have previously been quite unpleasant.

I highly recommend that you get a copy.  You can get it on Amazon for about $10.

“The Power of Now” – by Eckhart Tolle

It isn't the be-all-end-all to be sure, but it has many worthwhile teachings, so if you are on the path of personal growth and development, check it out.

If you have a copy but haven't read it, get if off the shelf, blow the dust off and get started.  If you've already read it, another read will likely give you some insights that didn't ring through the first time.

Just another step in this journey through life.

Glad that our paths have crossed and I can share part of my journey with you.

