Today the last of the “pre-launch” copies of the
Trading Performance Analyzer got snatched up at
the introductory price by my personal loyal
That also means that the price went up to $47 – for
the time being. The TPA has been very well received
and I've had many traders tell me that the price really
could be much much higher and still a great bargain
because of the power it gives you to see where the
strengths and weaknesses are in ANY trading system.
Analyze your current trading with real data or backtest
a new system BEFORE you risk money on someone
else's claims.
That's a powerful tool! Yet it has been kept simple and
very user and printer friendly.
Only takes about 10 minutes once you have your trade
information in hand and you can see all the critical
aspects of a system that tell you if that system can
actually perform and make you money.
You can also track your trading performance over a year
and see on the Equity Graph (a recommended item by
the pros) if your really doing better or worse as the year
goes on.
Plus, you've got the scorecard for your system to see if
your trading is really meeting your goals, and what your
hourly rate as a trader is!
Even at the modest price of $47, the TPA will continue
to empower traders around the world. Here's what one
trader had to say:
“Wow!, Talk about having everything at your fingertips.
Before I got my hands on the Trading Performance
Analyzer, it took me hours every month going through
my trade results, seeing if I was reaching my targets
and goals.
The Trading Performance Analyzer has allowed me to
simply enter my trade results for the month and give
me all the information I need in one easy package:
from my profit-to-loss ratio, return per dollar invested,
a great equity graph for visual reference, then the best
part…I can now see what I'm worth an hour. It actually
gives me my hourly rate! I've never had anything tell
me that before.
It has literally saved me many hours a month, and now
I can see how much that is worth to me.
Brian, once again you've given my trading profits a
great boost.”
– Dean WhittinghamMelbourne, Australia
The Financial Market Fisherman
Get your copy today and stop wishing or hoping that
your trading will be all that you want it to be!