Here's a short story from my previous life, and in it you'll discover one matter that can have a HUGE impact on YOUR trading.
For over 7 years, I was a Quality Engineer and it was one of my primary responsibilities to eliminate opportunites for error, because errors mean expense, cost and /or loss to the company.
Now understand, this was significant because we were in a high-volume, high-speed manufacturing facility with monthly revenues between $90 to $110 million.
Variables such as operator error could wind up being VERY costly, often in excess of $1,000 an hour for whenever a line went down. Even more if we shut down one of our customers because they would turn around and then bill US for THEIR downtime at around $10,000 an hour!
So how did I (we) keep such errors to a minimum?
Consider this: we had over 180 people, 7 departments and 27 production lines which meant that there were TONS of opportunities for error and inconsistency, which meant that we had to have a reliable solution to this problem.
Being a Quality Engineer, I knew that the first and most important action was to make sure that the varous activities that made up all of the various jobs were all properly documented.
And there are 2 big reasons why it's so important
- Everyone needs to know the steps to follow in order to do any given task
- Everyone needs a common reference if the task is to be performed consistently both from one person to the next and over time
That's Quality Assurance 101, but poor documentation is usually more of a hinderance than a help.
The challenge then came in documenting each task properly and in an effective manner – and I was particularly good at it.
In less than 2 years, our plant achieved the #1 Quality Ranking with our biggest customer and #1 in profitability in our division.
Knowing how to properly document an activity (like how you ID, enter and execute trades) so that it can be performed consistently and effectively is a critical skill for traders too.
That's why Documentation is the first part of the Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching program. It is THAT important to know how and to know how to do it RIGHT.
Plus when your system is documented properly, it makes the system more “trade-able” to start with, plus it makes the validation and optimization ten times easier and faster, plus then you can do those two things in a much more calculated fashion – which is just good business.
In approximately 30 days, you can take your system, fix what's wrong with it, plus gain the confidence you need to easily stick to it – most traders struggle with discipline because of the anxiety, fears and doubts they have with their system.
YOU however can put all that behind you and experience massive and well-founded confidence.
When you approach the matter of your trading system correctly, then you can trade in a confident and consistent manner without the emotional stress and mistakes of going about it without the right skill-set.
Discover more about how the coaching program can completely change your trading
Oh yeah, this coaching is live and 1-on-1 with me, so it is limited to just 10 people at a time and as of this writing, there are only 3 slots open.
Eliminate opportunities for error in your trading and trade at a whole new level.