Forex Mentor – Success Tip #3 for 2012 + a reward for the good kids

Brian here with Tip #3 to help you get 2012 off to a good start.

For review:

Tip #1 – de-clutter.  Pick an area and clear out the clutter.

Tip #2 – FOCUS.  Choose you 3 highest impact ‘to-do' items and make them your highest priorities, posted separately and prominently where you'll keep them front-of-mind.

Tip #3 – Leverage your resources for maximum return, especially your TIME.


That's one of the reasons why Venture Capitalists insist that all proposals brought to them have a business plan.

Venture Capitalists understand that a profitable business takes some time to build, but before they fund a project, they want to know WHEN they'll be getting their investment back out of the project and available for new projects, and of course, WHEN to expect profits to begin flowing.

Time is a HUGE consideration in the world of making money.

Every month that an investment is NOT producing, everything is working against you.

Not only is income NOT made this month, but the effect is exponential when you look at the future value of the account.

And for a delay of a YEAR OR MORE???

Wow does that hurt!

The other strong consideration is the finite nature of time.

You can always make back money lost, but you can NEVER get back time lost.

That's why activities like planning, organizing, training, and getting help are SO valuable.

These activities significantly shorten the time required to reach milestones and objectives.

How would you feel if you had a REALISTIC plan for YOUR trading for the next year, including a REASONABLE and sound financial forecast?

I imagine it would give you a tremendous sense of relief, and probably a bit of security too.

Now planning out a successful business, especially a trading business due to it's unique nature, can be a bit of a daunting task – one of the reasons that it rarely gets done.

But it can be relatively easy when you have someone to guide you through the process, step by step.

That's why I created the Trading P.I.T. Club, to make it easy and time-efficient to actually get a solid business plan assembled for your trading business.

Now, organizing a successful, long term, reliable business doesn't happen overnight.

But as Venture Capitalists know from experience, having a solid business plan is the best assurance of success – and in a reasonable time frame.

If you're ready to make your success a reality, then get started right now.

Oh yeah, one more thing.

The reward for the good kids, the ones that actually took vacation over the holidays.

I had a number of traders contact me letting me know that they did indeed unplug and disconnect for the holiday break, and thus they missed the window of opportunity to take advantage of the special offer.

Rather than punish you for taking a break, it makes sense to reward you for doing the right thing and taking some R&R.

I decided to open the doors for the next 25 and give you a second chance.

Act now as this is a HOT opportunity to make a HUGE difference in your trading – and will NOT last long!

Shorten your time to profitability by getting started right now



P.S.  Life is short.  Besides, I'm sure you don't want to have to wait any longer than necessary to get your trading under control and have a realistic plan for your year.

P.P.S.  I've had a few people ask how my Quality Assurance background is helpful for traders.  Fair enough:  Quality Assurance is the science of getting a business under control for both a predictable outcome and consistency.  VERY applicable for trading!