Forex Opportunity – Have You Noticed THIS In The Trading Competitions?

There's one thing I've noticed about the trading competitions that have been going on recently and it's something that really surprised me.

I first noticed it with the competition that was held back in December where 596 traders competed and the top six trading systems all had one thing in common (besides outperforming the other 590).

These not only were very profitable, they were the best out of nearly 600.

I've checked on some other recent competitions and seen this same common denominator in these too.

What really grabbed my attention is that out of so many traders, who have no real restrictions except that they have to document what they did and their results
is that they almost all seemed to be using systems based on the same method:

Swing trading

Of course swing trading has been around for quite a while, and for good reason:  it has been time-tested over decades to WORK.

Now of course, these traders weren't using just plain-jane vanilla swing trading.  They had made slight changes to it to make it their own version.

What's in this for you.

A good friend of mine and colleague has been swing-trading for years using an alternative method that he developed and like those in the competitions, he's found it to be very reliable even as the market climate changes.

But there is a MAJOR difference between Bob's method and those in the competitions…  You see Bob didn't just have his method work well for a month or two.

His has been working very well for years.

If you'd like to discover his alternative method and see how it came together, then you can do so at no cost by attending a webinar this Wednesday evening.

I asked him to share his “Alternative Swing-Trading” method along with his other favorite, which he calls “Pivo-nacci”.  It's a double header where you can see two methods that work in the real world.

Go here to register,

Two Methods That Work In The Real World

Again, there's no charge for this webinar, so it would definitely be worth your while to attend.

See you there!



P.S.  When it comes to the business of trading, why try to re-invent the wheel?  Use what has already been proven to work and MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY!

Two Methods That Work In The Real World

It's one of the great things about trading!