Forty Two Thousand Three Hundred And Twenty Seven (42,327)
That is the number of traders who have downloaded Jason Fielder's recent “game changing” reports… in the last 6 1/2 days.
Jason and his partner Anthony Trister have been bombarded with SO many questions (as you can imagine) about their system they have decided to hold 2 live “tell-all” webinars before their in-boxes explode!
It's all happening next Tuesday April the 28th!
Register for the webinar – Live @ 1pm EST
Register for the webinar – Live @ 8pm EST
Plus as soon as you register, you will receive an email that will tell you how to enter the “Full Scholarship Giveaway!”
Jason and Anthony are going all out, and totally pulling back the curtains on Triad!
You'll see it live, in action, and hear about all it's phenomenal and truly unique trading benefits.
You'll discover how long it takes most traders to get rolling with it, (it's a lot faster that you think!), and how many they are releasing (it is a limited number).
You'll also find out when it will be available, and for how long (it is a very limited
release.) Plus and a whole lot more!
The feedback on Jason's truly groundbreaking reports, and system itself have been some of the strongest and most positive I have ever seen…
And I'm not really not all that surprised.
Jason has been around a long time, and his trading systems plainly put, are rock solid.
Register for the webinar – Live @ 1pm EST
Register for the webinar – Live @ 8pm EST
42,327 is an astoundingly large number of VERY interested traders.
If you're anything like most of the traders I've heard from who've seen The 60:30:10 Principal Report, or grabbed his scalping “Cheat Sheets”, your probably pretty darn curious to know a whole lot more about the Triad system.
Register for the webinar – Live @ 1pm EST
Register for the webinar -Live @ 8pm EST
Get excited!! But don't miss your chance – they are doing this one day only!
PS: Remember to check your email after you register, which will tell you how to enter the Scholarship giveaway…It'll take all of a minute of your time!