Forex Trader Training Article – An Old-timer Still a Newb?

A mistake that I see all the time is traders thinking that just because they've been trading for years, it means that they somehow have moved beyond being an amateur.

When this happens, it causes them to overlook, dismiss or just plain deny the answers they seek to solve this challenging puzzle of how to trade successfully.

So year after year, they keep getting the same disappointing results because they continue pursuing success with the same approach they have for years.

The error is thinking that “years of experience” somehow automatically translates to being a competent and self-sufficient trader.

But what if those years have been spent largely practicing bad trading and exposure to mostly less-than-helpful information?

Does this still somehow make you into a good trader?

Well a survey that I did a while back would say otherwise.

In the survey, the average experience was 4.6 YEARS, yet 96% of those traders were still NOT happy with their trading.

It still takes training from someone that can show you the RIGHT things to address and give you the perspectives, methods and tools to actually turn you into the trader that enjoys success – knowingly and not by chance or accident.

This intentional development into a proficient and self-sufficient trader is what makes the difference.

Only then will you feel the confidence you long for in yourself and your system.

Fortunately, the means to accomplish this are well within your reach, and wonderfully simple and sensible.

Get a solid handle on your trading and stop living with stress



P.S. One of my favorite quotes (just because it is SO true!):

“The problem ain't what we don't know.

It's what we think we know that ain't so.”

– Will Rogers