Happy Friday! Friday's are always good aren't they?
Today I have 3 items for you real quick, 1 new and 2 reminders.
1. If you happened to miss it on Tuesday, you're getting a 2nd chance next week.
[Stay with me here for just a moment, this is important.]
With all the ‘shouting' that goes on in the Forex world, it is easy to hear about something and then dismiss it because you hear a familiar word or two, and then think you already know about it. Big mistake commonly made.
To help keep that from happening here, I have a quick question for you.
That is only ONE of the things that makes what Steve does completely unique.
Another advantage of his approach is that he trades effectively using stops that are just 10-pips! (This means several advantages when you look deeper.)
You can find out more about what Steve does and the approach he uses by attending the Second Chance live webinar this coming Tuesday.
Click here to register right now
In case you're wondering if the webinar will be recorded… No it will not as far as I know. You need to show up if you want to be able to see for yourself and more importantly – to be able to ask questions.
2. If you haven't already, download Marc's 61-page guide to trading Forex. It is a reasonably short read that covers a lot of useful ground, and there is no cost or even a sign up required, so grab your copy now and review it over the weekend at your leisure.
Download it right now from my blog
3. Today is the last day for you to take advantage of the savings with my Sister's 50th Birthday Special.
Save OVER 50% by clicking here
Have a great weekend!
“The Trading Turnaround Coach”
P.S. This time of year is great for preparing for the fourth quarter. Make sure that you are getting underway!
P.P.S. Next week I'll be sharing a new perspective with you on what it means to be a trader – one that I've never shared before and one that you've probably not heard anywhere else before either! So stay tuned!