Forex Trading Psychology Article – Is This How You Feel About The Markets?

Brian here and I have a simple question for you today that has a significant and direct impact on your trading.

“Is THIS how you feel about the markets?”

Now “this” can be a number of things, but the word to put in right now for the sake of helping you improve your trading is…


Do you feel that the markets are fair?

Or do you feel that somehow you are being cheated, being wronged?

Do you feel that in the masses that comprise the markets, there are individuals or groups that are somehow against you as an individual trader?

I pose the question in order to help you get the results you want from your trading and here's how:

… how you FEEL largely determines how you THINK and how you ACT.

How you feel also has a great impact on your timing – another critical performance aspect of trading.

If you hesitate, it costs you money, sometimes big money.

If your confidence is waning, so you decide to ‘wait and see' when you should be getting out, you might just watch that winner turn into another loser.

There are a myriad of problems that your emotions can cause in trading,

…so give yourself the support you need by getting the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management, which you can get as my gift to you by going here:


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”