Forex Trading Psychology – A Core Belief You Must Address to Succeed

Brian here with another entry for this Father's Day weekend for you.

This one deals with a core belief that your parents gave you when you were a child and it is absolutely essential that you address it, and here's why:

…because you want trade with confidence and security, and NOT trading from a state of fear, doubt and anxiety, right?

Left unchecked, this belief will remain an obstacle, blocking your path to success and causing you to make many regrettable decisions.

This particular belief operates at a subconscious level on a continuous basis, and affects everything you do in your trading.

But once you turn it around, you'll find that your entire trading experience can shift from one of anxiety to security and peace.

Don't make the mistake of dismissing this!

Yes it is very simple and seems like it would be front-of-the-mind, but most of the time it IS operating and at a level of which you are NOT consciously aware.

What is this belief?

Do you believe that you live in a hostile or friendly universe?

If you believe that you live in a hostile universe, then even when there isn't much going on, you will still feel anxious, like someone or something is somehow out to get you.

Now feeling like this is a hostile place is VERY understandable for traders.

Afterall, due to the lack of success and frequency of losses, most traders have primarily feelings of anger, betrayal, confusion, hurt, desire for revenge, etc.

Plus if you throw in getting scammed a few times, spending several thousand on various systems, bootcamps and other things that yielded only disappointment, and it's no wonder that this universe can seem like it's out to get you.


How would things be different if you lived in a FRIENDLY universe?

How would things be different if you could simply accept that perhaps the universe is only neutral?

If it really didn't feel one way or the other about you, and you could simply let go of the notion that it is UNfriendly?

Because the markets really DON'T care, one way or the other.

Would simply being free of this belief, this very quiet and underlying, yet influencing FEAR…

Would being free of that fear have a positive impact on your trading?

Would it then allow you to be more objective? Perhaps allow you to act when you know you should instead of hesitating?

Regardless of your view of the universe (religious or otherwise), fears and limiting beliefs are almost ALWAYS counter-productive.

And the first step in working past them is to become consciously aware of them.

Your homework for now is to reflect on the question and try to understand what you truly believe at a level beyond the intellectual:

“Is it possible that this a friendly universe in which you live?”



P.S. Tomorrow, I'll share another insight / perspective that I'm sure you'll find useful and worthwhile as we continue on this Father's Day weekend. Enjoy!