THIS EMAIL marks the “opening of the doors” to the accepting
=> No More taking that “B” trade that results in a loss that wipes out your entire week's gains, just because you thought you were “on a roll”.
=> No More missed trades because of fear of losing.
=> No More quivering finger over the mouse, hesitating to pull the trigger.
=> No More lifting your protective stops, because you think the floor trader will “take you out”, and have the market head back up again without you.
=> No More excuses for not following your trading plan.
And winning consistently is exactly what can happen…whether you trade Stocks, FOREX, or Commodities… when you master the mental and emotional aspects of your trading.
“The Disciplined Trader” Program will have you…
— Build your trading disciplined skills in a very short period of time, then…
— Apply The NEW YOU – and watch your newly developed discipline skills take positive effect on your
trading results.
Make sure you watch the testimonial videos recorded by students in their current Program. They are traders JUST LIKE YOU.
You can achieve what they have achieved…. turning their trading fears and hesitations into confidence and decisive action to follow their trading plan.
Now it's YOUR turn.
Follow this link and travel to “The Disciplined Trader” Intensive Program…
Will that be you?
It CAN be.
Norman is accepting only 200 new students, so please Act Now.
Follow this link and travel to “The Disciplined Trader” Intensive Program…