You'll see how you could get the Correlation Code, one of the most unique and sound forex trading strategies to come out in a long time…
…how you could get it for FREE. It is on this page in this message.
Jason has just recorded a very brief bonus video for you to watch that is
sure to make your weekend a LOT better!
In it, he shows another one of his favorite correlation trades…
That has a 90% accuracy rate.
Normally, he'll grab a quick 10 pips, and then close out, but there's a
very interesting twist that can make you a whole lot more as well.
Click here to watch it right now, and you'll see what I mean.
And DON'T forget to register for the webinar next Wednesday Oct.
28th at 1:00 PM EST and 9 PM EST (this is New York Time).
On it, Jason will be exposing it all!
You'll see a lot more exciting trades, as he lets the cat out of the bag on more
correlation secrets, and exactly how YOU can become a “Correlation Code”
owner yourself!
Click Here to Register Here If You Haven't Already
Have a great weekend!
PS: As soon as you register for the webinar you qualify for the scholarship
copy of “The Correlation Code”, so get on it!