In any business, occupation, or endeavor, there are winners and there are wannabes.
You know what I'm talking about. You see it almost everyday in one arena or another.
There are those that seem to have all the luck, and they make it look easy.
The winners enjoy the fame, the income, the time freedom that is so admired. The also have a security and peace about them that seems almost foreign to the ‘little guy'.
An then there all the wannabes, struggling to make it, never feeling that confidence and self-security that the winners do.
There is a fundamental difference between the two and it's not some in-born luck that the winners have.
More appropriately stated, the winners make themselves lucky in the way that they look at things and the way they approach matters. It is in their general mindset.
This is especially true for traders, and unfortunately, it is often overlooked as a good place to find solutions.
I expand on this in the video below.
Which Mindset Do You Have? (video)
P.S. Your mindset is the core determinant in your trading, because all your decisions and actions are based on the filters in your mindset. Have a look at the video and you'll see what I mean.