Forex Training Video – Can You Spot This Classic Trader Mistake?

I just got done watching a short video that discusses the advantage of a particular exit strategy, one that sounds really appealing.

But there is a classic mistake illustrated in the video, one made by tons of traders.


here to watch the video

If you pay close attention, you'll also see a very common mistake made by trading educators that few seem to notice.

After watching the video and post your comments below with what you think the mistakes are.

Tomorrow morning I'll post what I saw.



P.S. Understanding these mistakes may save you some aggravation in your trading, so take just a minute or two.

Click here to watch the video

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. NIck Lam

    not sure but i think the problem of that strategy is that the risk-to-reward is not favorable. The risk is much larger than the reward which goes against one of the pillars of trading.

  2. Ron Peterson

    I believe Jason’s biggest error is he doesn’t have Brian McAboy on “retainer”.

    One of these days someone will post a video where they are actually making trading decisions in “real-time” while carrying a 10 lot (or greater) full size contract position. Given that venue, what are the thoughts running through their head?

    The “Monday morning quarter back” – “woulda – coulda – shoulda” approach to chart analysis has no credibility.


  3. Nick Lam

    well theres no question trading live in realtime would be the most credible and the efficacy of trading whatever lot size, 10 lot or not, is dependent on one’s account’s equity and if his risk capital is 2% or less. Trading 10 lots given the risk capital is 2% or less of equity is considered acceptable among experienced traders. However, if trading 10 lots in a small account such as $10,000, that would be suicidal .