Brian here and today I have two interesting and worthwhile items for you.
Both are FREE!
1. The first is a long-term strategy that has merit when you look at it as complementary to your regular trading. It incorporates one of my favorite sub-strategies and can be a major enhancement to your longer-term investing.
Click here for more on this strategy
Now, at first the video sounded a bit hokey and far-fetched, and I wasn't sure that it would be worth passing on to you, but there is a part of it that I really do like and may resonate with you. Perhaps not, and if so, that's okay too.
2. The second item is a pretty good checklist / guide for matters concerning your trading system, and is from a trading educator whom I very much respect.
Click here to get your free copy of the Guide
Both of these are FREE and ready for you right now.