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How A Good Idea For A Trading System Can Kill Your Account

Today’s topic is about an often fatal mistake made by nearly all traders.

Unfortunately for most, it is a mistake perpetuated for years.

It is really a HUGE pitfall of trading.

In my opinion, it is also one of the most damaging.


I say that because it has killed more trading accounts than any other single factor.

More than psychological issues.

More than the market moods changing.

More than anything.

Now listen up because this is one of the most important aspects of trading that almost NOBODY seems to get.

You see, everyone wants (and reasonably so) a ‘good system’ with which to trade.

Over the last several decades, there have been many good ideas for trading systems.

Quite a few have proven out to be sound strategies.

But see this is where the pitfall occurs

There is a HUGE difference between a ‘good idea for a system’ and a good system.

Think about it.

There are a LOT of good ideas for trading systems.

“Get in at the beginning of a trend and the ride it until it ends” is a good idea for a system.

Scalping is a good idea for a system.

Using Fibonacci levels to determine support and resistance levels is a good idea.

Gartley patterns, harmonic wave convergence, moving average crossovers, volume spread analysis.

The list goes on and on.

Last time I counted the general methods of trading, I stopped counting at 40.

That’s a bunch.

But where most traders get off into a wreck is trying to trade with really is only an idea for a system, not truly a system.

Not through any fault of their own, mind you.

They’re very sincere in what they’re doing.

Here’s where everyone gets hurt.

A good idea for a system does NOT equal a good system

If it did, then “Buy low, sell high” would be all you’d ever need.

The challenge is understanding the essence of what a system is and being able to get from “good idea for a system” to a workable, trade-able system that can be executed successfully and consistently.

It is in the details and how you bring them together in a manner that works.

It has to be repeatable.

It has to work over time.

The pitfall is that extremely few traders have a PROCESS to take a good IDEA for a system and create a good SYSTEM from it.

So most traders wind up left with a partial and often flawed and incomplete ‘system’ with which to trade.

And because it is flawed, they are unable to trade it well and they certainly have trouble trading it consistently.

They struggle with a system that on some level they know is broken, but don’t know what to fix.

I’ve known traders that have been in this specific situation for YEARS.

They know the premise for the system is sound, but they’ve had their confidence shaken, and so have lingering doubts.

And what they want more than anything else is a system in which they can believe and on which they can rely.

They want to be able to have confidence in what they’re doing.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to share with them a process based on my years as a trader and as a Quality Engineer that gives you that confidence.

Not hope.

Not false confidence.

Real confidence from a process based on what works.

Best practices from the business world and Quality Assurance.

The result is you having a system that works, it works well, is repeatable, performs to your satisfaction.

Where you have the deep, “through and through, balls to bones” kind of knowing that you’re okay.

If you’ve struggled with getting consistent results.

If your confidence has been shaken along the way and you’d like to get it back,

Then you’re in the right place at the right time.

Click here to download your free copy of this powerful report

Seriously, you’d be amazed at how many traders are not really trading with an actual system.

They’re trying to trade with an idea for a system, but that just doesn’t work.

They’re missing something but don’t know what.

So they go on, week after week, not making money, frustrated the whole time.

The most common result is that after years, they finally give up, defeated.

Never having tasted success, when it was well within their reach all along.

Don’t let that happen to you.

Download your copy of this report to discover other pitfalls that are holding you back



P.S.  Did I mention that it's FREE?