How to Be a Day Trader – The 2-Minute Trade-Ability Test for Your Trading System


One of the key determinants of your success as a trader, and particularly how consistently you’ll be able to trade, is your trading system.

Most traders never think to question their system, the way it is constructed and documented, if it might be contributing to your inability to execute it well, and with consistency and confidence.

Being a retired Quality Manager from a high-speed, high-volume, thin-margin manufacturer, this quick test can help you quickly determine if your trading system is highly “trade-able”, or if it is likely to give you execution problems.

The test itself only takes about 2 to 5 minutes and is very effective.

This test is especially helpful if you are still learning how to trade and want know how to become a good trader.

If you’ve been struggling with discipline issues, this will likely help you also.

Download the “2-Minute Trading System Trade-Ability Test” by clicking on the image below.


If you apply the test and find that your system needs some work, but you don’t know what to do, email me.

To learn how to trade consistently WITHOUT relying on will-power or discipline, click here

