How to Engineer Predictable Profits As A Trader

Yes, it is all about ENGINEERING predictable profits for you

I know in my emails, you hear me carry on about treating your trading as a business and having a proper and complete business plan

…and I keep talking about applying Quality Assurance tools and practices to maximize your consistency and profits

Well I do this for one very good reason:

these are the primary actions involved in engineering your success as a trader

For over 25 years, I've been helping people pursue their dreams of escaping the rat race and the normal story of getting a degree, then getting stuck working in the corporate world

Any time I hear someone mention that they want to have the freedom and control of their life that can be had by working for yourself or truly being a business owner where the business runs without you, that's my passion and I'm game to help them in any way I can

I've also helped many small business owners fix the situation of working WAY too many hours and making less than everyone else in the company

Now with traders, I started off helping people with Emotional Intelligence, because I've been through that training in the corporate world, plus I know what it's like to be a trader

And back in 2007, I had a major epiphany while writing the Trader's Guide To Emotional Management, particularly when listing out and diagnosing over 50 specific mistakes/issues we fight as traders:

Most of the difficulties really come down to either trust issues or confidence

Doubt and anxiety create 99% of the emotional stresses you feel when in the middle of a trade and are feeling compelled to deviate from your system

The doubt comes from a lack of confidence in your trading process to effectively deliver

And the process includes you as one of the elements

The anxiety comes from not knowing

  • Not knowing if you'll be able to do what you're supposed to do
  • Not knowing what the problem is
  • Not knowing how to fix it
  • Knowing that you're missing something, but not knowing what that is

Generally speaking, what you're feeling is knowing that you weren't really properly prepared for this, that important matters got skipped in your training

You're trying to do a job for which you have not been properly made ready

And when you're in that situation, it's going to be stressful, filled with difficulties, and almost impossible for it NOT to be an emotional experience

If you HAD been properly and fully trained, with everything you need to be successful, you wouldn't be stressed, because you'd know exactly what to do and how to do it

So back to engineering your success…

How do we make that happen?

By following the proven and time-tested formula for successfully starting up a business

By walking through the steps of thinking through the various matters, and organizing a proper and complete plan, and there is a specific progression to this

We start by making sure your trading business will fit your life – not the other way around as often happens when left to chance

If this isn't done correctly, if you're trading in a manner that you really don't want to, then this by itself gives your subconscious reason to sabotage your efforts

We make sure that you have a strategy and system that work and can be realistically expected to meet your financial goals

Most traders don't know how to do this correctly, and so are left to a lot of ‘trial and error' which is by far the most expensive way to get to what works

We put together a financial forecast based on real-world numbers, not just hope and speculation, so that you know what you can realistically anticipate over the coming year

We make sure along the way that you're getting trained for all the different things you need to be able to do as an independent, self-directed trader, so that you know what to do and how to do it well

Then we bring everything together into a proper and complete business plan, so that you know what you want to achieve, precisely how it's going to become a reality, and most importantly when

One of the great things about trading, is that as a business, there are so many advantages over other businesses

  • You CAN create a very solid and proper business plan without having to risk any money to know that it is based on real-world information and indeed has a strong likelihood of success
  • When you have a plan, when you have the training, and when you have a genuine basis for confidence and knowing, anxiety and doubt are eliminated
  • And you can move forward with peace of mind and security in what you're doing

When you know how to do these things, you can truly engineer predictable profits for yourself

And best of all, you can make this happen in a very reasonable period of time, not months or years to figure out through happenstance

Because you're engineering it, creating your success by intention and design

IMPORTANT NOTE:  success as a trader requires several critical elements, but one more than any other – CONSISTENCY

It is for these reasons that I created the Masterclass, “The Science of Consistency Applied to Trading:  How to Make Your Trading More Consistent So You Make More Money, No Matter How You Trade”

If you have had enough stress trying to figure everything out on your own, and you know that having a logical, proven process to get your business in order, to get your trading system solid, and go to your daily trading very well prepared and confident, then check this program out

If you have questions or concerns, do let me know

Otherwise, this is the one trader training course that covers the most important aspect of being a trader, the one thing that was missing when you first started out, the training you wish you would have gotten

Now is your chance to set your trading down a much better path


Brian McAboy
The Predictable Profits Engineer

P.S.  It's not too late for you to fix what's been malfunctioning in your trading and to get it done right

If you look ahead 5, 10 or 20 years and your current path doesn't have you moving toward an incredible future, take action right now