How to Guard Against The #1 Killer of Trading Profits

Today I'm going to share with you how to guard against the #1 profit-killer in your trading.

You see, there is one specific factor that has made or broken nearly all businesses, regardless of the sector or industry

And it is the #1 profit-killer for traders too.

Probably the single most determining factor in whether or not you will succeed as a trader.

And no, this is NOT an exaggeration.

Now there are many conversations that talk around the matter.

Some that even try to address it, but they don't address the true heart of the issue.

To illustrate, one thing I loved about calculus was how integrals brought tremendously valuable perspective by examining things as they approached limits.

As it relates to your trading, what kind of results would you expect if you placed completely random trades, both the entry and exit being completely random on every trade?

No structure, no methodology, purely random from start to finish

I rather doubt that it would be profitable.

But on the other extreme, how about if you were to be 100% consistent, applying a very specific method without any deviation at all.

Now that would have an entirely different result at the end of the week, month and year now wouldn't it?

Here's how this works and how it applies to you and your trading from a business perspective.

In any business endeavor, there are two sides to the profit equation.

Inflows and outflows

In order for your business to be successful, and more importantly RELIABLE, you have to have consistency with both.

Here's the problem:  Consistency doesn't just happen.

You can't force it or be clever about it.

There are specific steps you have to take to FACILITATE it.

You have to do certain things BEFORE discipline or focus or anything else will work.

You have to get clear on your process – and that is why documenting it is SO critical.

And not just documenting it, but it needs to be documented properly.

Because if your ability to capitalize on profits is inconsistent, your bottom line suffers.

And if your execution is inconsistent, you'll make bad decisions that increase your outflows, which again hurts your bottom line.

But when you have a clear process and consistent execution, you control BOTH sides of your profit equation.

You gain control over the #1 profit-killer:  inconsistency

  • Inconsistency creates waste.
  • Inconsistency causes unnecessary losses.
  • Inconsistency causes you to miss out on profits or at best cut them short.
  • Inconsistency hurts your confidence and ability to execute

Again, in order to have consistency, in order to have control, you have to take specific steps to facilitate it.

There is a science, a proven step-by-step process to achieve Consistency that is used through the business world.

To see how to apply this to your trading for better results,

Click here to watch this brief video

