How To Tell The Future

Wouldn't it be great to find that one indicator that would
tell you what direction the markets are going?

How about an indicator that would tell you how your life
would be tomorrow?

One of my favorite quotes is “The best way to see your future
is to create it.”

But what does that really mean?

It means that you decide what you want tomorrow to look like
and take action today and tomorrow to make it what you want
it to be.

It also means that if you want tomorrow to be better that
your today's have been, you need to affect a change. Not
sit back and wait for other things to change, but to make
the changes in yourself and what you do.

Another of my favorite quotes is from a Successories print:

“Change: a bend in the road is not the end of the road,
unless you fail to make the turn.”

If your life or maybe just your trading is not as you'd
like it, then don't wait for the road to turn and simply
react to the conditions around you.

You are in the driver's seat, so decide that you want your
tomorrow to be better, choose what kind of change you'd
like to see, and then take action to set things in motion
toward your goal.

Even if it is something as simple as taking the action to
make that determination, do something. Even better would
be to decide what changes in yourself and what you do on
a regular basis.

If that means reading a book or watching some videos, that's
okay to.

It is often said that people are uncomfortable with change,
but it is the only vehicle by which tomorrow is better than
today. The anxiety comes from the change being decided by
something other than you or being your choice.

Weekends are great for reflection, planning and action, so
decide how you'd like your tomorrows to look and start the
ball rolling in that direction.

I hope your weekend is restful and refreshing!



P.S. Free videos are always good, so if you haven't been
keeping up with your emails, there are several for you that
will help you bring clarity to your trading as well as
consistency. You can watch them at