How to treat your trading as a business – Part 2

Yesterday I published a post letting you know that
there are changes underway at Inside Out Trading,
specifically me getting back to providing you with
more free content in the form of articles and videos.

Here is today's clip and it is the second in the
series: “How to treat your trading as a business”.

You've heard and read how important this is to your
trading success and your goal of consistent profits,
but for those that have never run or started up a
business, how to actually do it is difficult at best.

To make the process easier and so that you can get
the benefits (because it is incredibly helpful in
trading), I'm in the process of publishing a free
video series on how to go about it.

Here is the link to part 2 in the series on YouTube.

On YouTube, I go by TraderBrian so if you want to
see the other videos I've published, again at no
cost whatsoever, feel free to subscribe to my
channel on YouTube.

Send me your comments and suggestions, and feel free
to post a comment on YouTube as well!



P.S. Feel free to share this with your friends!