If You’ve Been Trading For More Than 3 Months, and It’s Still Stressful…

So how has your trading been going?

If the news of late and the squirrely market behavior has you stressed, particularly about your trading, then that’s a problem

That’s because as a trader, you really should be in a position where it doesn’t matter what going on in the markets, especially if you’ve been trading for more than 3 months.

Actually, when volatility picks up and the markets are moving, up or down, that should be something that excites you rather than stressing you because then at least the markets are moving.

I mean really, unless you’re selling options, flat, choppy, sideways markets can be really tough to profit from.

So if you’re stressed about your trading, then perhaps there’s something missing.

And once you address it, then you can move forward to being excited and rocking it during these volatile times.

If you’re trading is more stressful than fun, then that is a sign that you haven’t yet reached a key milestone in your trading.

Find out more in this video I made a while back by clicking here



P.S.  Seriously, if you’ve been trading for more than 3 months and it is still stressful, then take the time to watch this video.  You will discover some very useful information in it with which you can realize an immediate improvement in your trading experience.

Watch it and make a difference