Is it possible that you've only been addressing symptoms of the REAL problem?
Do you know?
I'm not asking to be sarcastic.
I've found that most of my clients will take action to fix what they think is broken.
Years ago though, I discovered that the reason they never really were able to move forward was because they were trying to fix symptoms.
But that never fixes the real problem, and hence it never goes away.
Taking a cough suppressant doesn't help the cold.
Bailing gets the water out of the boat, but it doesn't fix the hole.
Scratching when you have poison ivy make help with the itching, but it sure doesn't help you heal. In fact it makes things worse.
Buying new trading systems or trying to will yourself into being disciplined don't attend to the real root cause of the problems either.
They only address symptoms.
Now in addition to focusing on symptoms, there are 5 other things that don't work either.
- Denial
- Wishing
- Hoping
- Doing the same things you've always done
- Procrastinating
Only correct action changes things.
If you are genuinely sincere about having a profitable, reliable trading operation and you don't want for it to take another 4 to 5 years to manifest.
…then you need to start doing the right things and doing them well.
Until you do, you have 3 huge obstacles preventing you from getting what you want from your trading.
And you can eliminate all three of them with one action.
To see what they are and how to remove them, click here
P.S. The cool thing is that when you attend to the real root cause, the symptoms disappear and a substantial transformation takes place.
Aren't you ready for a real change?
How will your life change once you finally get your trading working the way it is supposed to?