Self-sabotage is often experienced in trading and it can be very difficult to keep it from happening, especially if you don't understand why.
Most times when you think of self-sabotage, what comes to mind are those lottery winners where they lose all their winnings and wind up broke in a relatively short period of time following getting rich.
Traders also experience it when they find sudden success and are hitting it big pretty quickly.
Now the common perception of self-sabotage is that it is a corrective measure by the subconscious to align your circumstances with your self-image.
If subconsciously you make 50,000 a year and all of a sudden you're making 100,000, then you'll sabotage yourself to get back to 50,000.
But what about when you find yourself being sabotaged and you're not hitting it big?
How about if you're actually losing money?
Why does it happen then?
To find out, watch this video where I share the results of an experiment that a friend of mine ran.
To further your understanding even more, go to:
You may discover some answers that have eluded you until now.