Last Chance to Get the "Killer" Bonus…

Today is your last chance to get the “killer” bonus that is included (for now)
with The Trader's Guide to Emotional Management.

This killer bonus is the trading system analyzer and is incredibly powerful in helping you keep your fears and anxiety from over-riding your better judgment – the exact situation that causes many BIG losses and many missed profits.

How does it do this? The opposite of fear is confidence, and when you have
an unshakable confidence in yourself and your system, your fears won't
bother you. You'll be so solid and comfortable that they just lay low and let
you keep your head clear to make the right decisions.

By being able to analyze your trading system and have “hard numbers” on
how many winning trades versus losing trades your trading system or method
produces, plus knowing the dollar value of those winners and losers you'll KNOW
what your system should be producing, what its capabilities are and what its
weaknesses are too.

Without this knowing, you're leaving yourself open to fear and hope really
working on you. Your anxiety will remain high and you'll be more likely to
make the mistakes and have more losses and missed winners than your
system should deliver.

By knowing and having solid “proof”, you'll keep your cool when you enter a
trade and the market moves against you. Instead of having your heart start
pounding and your chest tightening up, you'll stay relaxed, knowing that a
winner is only so many trades away. When you have your hands on a
winner after a string of losers, you'll be able to pull the trigger, knowing from
the percentages that it is time for a winner.

Calm, cool and collected – that's you when you KNOW.

This bonus is only available for FREE through today. You get it along with
the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management as one of four powerful
bonuses. This one is only good for today, so go get it now and
increase YOUR confidence and peace of mind.

For only $79, this guide and the Trading System Analysis Tool are incredibly
cheap compared to even one emotional mistake in trading.



PS. Reminder: the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management explores over 50
specific mistakes that traders make that cost you money. Get yours now
and bring an end to big losses and missed profits in your trading!