Trading as a Business – Lessons from "Over The Hedge"

In the kids” movie “Over The Hedge”, there are several
good lessons for kids, but also for traders.

R.J. was a raccoon that in his hunger, made the near-
fatal mistake of stealing the hibernating bear”s food

He snuck into the cave of a hibernating bear to get
his food-stash.  Had it all loaded up on the wagon
the bear had in the cave (hey it”s a cartoon) and was nearly
out of the cave when his greed got the best of him
and he just had to go get that can of “Spuddies”
that the bear was holding in his sleep.  When R.J.
opened the can, the bear heard it and awoke.

The wagon goes rolling down the hill only to be
run over by a truck and the food all destroyed.

Now R.J. finds himself with his head in the clutches
of the bear and having to replace all the food and
he”s only got a week to do it – or he”s dead.

Lesson 1:  greed can wipe out your account, even
with just one mistake.

The scene now shifts to the turtle Vern and his
“family” just waking up from their winter”s sleep.

First thing on Vern”s mind and which he reminds
everyone of, is that they have to start preparations
for the coming winter, because they were down to
a handful of berries for food from last year”s stock.

Lesson 2:  prepare for the coming year.  Don”t just
let the days pass until things are upon you, especially
when you can foresee them and make ready.

Back to R.J.

R.J. discovers Vern and his family and the light comes
on over his head (a firefly in the movie).

Here is a group that has the skills that he needs, as Vern
and his family are a group of foragers, so he enlists their
help (unbeknownst to them) to collect his needed food
and save his life.

They manage to get everything needed to save R.J.”s life
and in the short time frame of a week.  Had he gone
about it himself, he”d never had made it in time.

Now the way R.J. goes about it in the story is not the
right way to get help from others (through deceit), and
along the way, he finds that they are a good group.

At the end of the movie when the truth casino comes out,
Vern says to R.J., “All you had to do was tell us, and
we would have helped you.  That”s what families do.”

Lesson 3:  when you”re livelihood depends on it, your
best bet to make things happen quickly is to enlist
the help of people with the skills, knowledge or
experience to help you achieve your goals.

Quick summary of the lessons:

1.  Avoid mistakes, especially decisions made based
on emotions.

2.  Prepare for the future

3.  Get help, and don”t go it alone, especially if your
livelihood is riding on your success.

2009 will be upon us soon, so are you beginning
YOUR preparations?

Have you updated your business plan for the coming
year (or at least created the first one)?

If not, now is the time.

Don”t know how to create a business plan for your
trading business?  That”s what we”re doing in the
Trading P.I.T. Club – and it”s easy when you know

Don”t wait until New Year”s Day to get ready for “09.

Begin preparations now so that it will be your best year



P.S.  By the way, did you know that you can save $120
on the membership to the Club for a limited time?  Go

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