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Make More Money No Matter How You Trade [Come See Me…]

No strategy in the world will work if you lack one simple thing:


Wouldn't it be nice to have a set of principles you could follow that would ensure you regularly meet your profit goals…No matter how you trade?

I have the playbook for you, and I plan on revealing it on Saturday, May 20th.

My friends Jeanette & Hubert at TradeThirsty have invited me to the “Toast to Traders” Event to share my top-down approach to gaining the consistency you are missing in your trading.


I personally will be covering the following:

– Three common reasons you regularly hesitate and miss out on profits, turn winners in to losers, and losers into big losers

– Learn to stop leaving money on the table that should be in your trading account

– Maximize Profits with strategies that have been used for decades in Highly Successful Industries Including Trading

And of course…how to stop struggling with repeated hesitation and mistakes and trade without doubt, anxiety, stress OR disappointment.

Here is the complete list of speakers at this “Toast to Traders” Event

9am – AJ Brown, A “Super Charged” ‘6 Percent Protocol’ Variant: Put Protected, Call Writing on Leaps

10am – Price Headley, How to Leverage FANG Stocks with Weekly Options

11am – Oliver Schmalholz with

Peter Visser, The Hedge Fund Code: How To Scientifically Predict Stock Moves Before They Happen

12pm – Brian McAboy (ME!), The Science of Consistency Applied to Trading: Make More Money No Matter How You Trade

Note:  All times are Eastern – to convert to your time zone click here

Myself and these other traders have one thing in common:  market-proven strategies that will help you in your trading!

I'm excited to be part of this event and hope you will join us — CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

See you there,


Brian McAboy
The Trading Consistency Coach

As you know, trading involves significant financial risk. Nothing presented here or in the above referenced event is intended to induce anyone to initiate any investment or trade, nor are any promises made regarding profits or loss.  Your trading is entirely your responsibility