March 24 Newsletter: EOD Forex Trading System, Mentoring and a Webinar

Good stuff going on this week!

Here's the latest:

1.  The Forex Profits Accelerator goes live today!

This is an end-of-day, 20-minutes a day system from Bill Poulos of Profits Run that has just been updated for 2009.

If you don't want to be sitting at a monitor all day to extract profits from the Forex currency markets, then this is one very professionally done system that has been proven out (first launched back in 2007) and has terrific support.

PLUS if you go through my linkbelow, you can have TWO 1-hour consultations with me to discuss anything you'd like, any issues that are getting in your way – I'll help you get passed them.  This is a $500 bonus!

Get the Forex Profits Accelerator Here (direct link)

Find out more about the FPA

2. Mentoring from Seasoned Professional Traders

Over the last few months, I've been getting more and more emails asking where a good mentor can be found.  Are you looking for a mentor?  I may just have exactly what you've been looking for.

I have two colleagues, each of whom have 15+ years in as successful traders and are both avid students of trading, plus they are just plain pretty sharp guys.

Because of the requests I've received, I approached both of them to see if they were open to mentoring a small group of select traders.  It took some convincing, but they are both willing.

Now this is very cool because they have broad experience with different methodologies and can help you develop a working trading system based on the proven methods that they've come to rely on in their daily trading.

What you will walk away with is a complete, custom-designed system personalized for you, and based on proven methods that work in the real world, and mentoring on how to trade it successfully.

If you are interested, shoot me an email (brian@insideouttrading) with what type of method you'd like to build a system and generally what you'd expect from your mentor, specifically:  what investment seems reasonable, what day of the week would work best for you for the mentoring sessions (we're thinking Saturday right now, but we're open to other suggestions), and if you want one-on-one mentoring or if you're comfortable in a small group (up to 10).

3.  “Trading as YOUR Business” free webinar this Saturday

I'm hosting a webinar this Saturday (no cost to attend) discussing how to establish a true business in your trading.  Treating your trading as a business means more that you may realize if you want freedom and security from your trading, so make sure you register and attend.

For more info on this, click the link below.  Again, no cost for this. 🙂

Trading As YOUR Business” free webinar

That's what's going on this week, so take action and make yours a great week!

