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“Objective Reality is an oxymoron”? – reflection for the weekend…

Yes, this definitely pertains to you and your trading…
This evening I'm working my way through the book, “Home With God”, one of “Conversations With God” series by Neale Donald Walsh, and a notion worthy of reflecting upon was brought up that I felt motivated to share with you.

At one point he says that “Objective Reality is an oxymoron”.

On further clarification he says that you observe nothing “objectively.”

Perceptions are based on perspectives, and perspectives are not objective.  They are subjective.  They are not something you experience, they are something that you choose.

Perspective creates perception, and perception creates experience. The experience that perception creates for you is what you call “the truth”.

You see what you observe, given your perspective. You observe nothing ‘objectively.'  Objective observation is impossible.

Nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer, as noted in the science of quantum mechanics.

You affect what you see by the very way you look at it, or whether you look at it at all.

So the question comes to mind to reflect:

What ‘truths' are you experiencing right now, and what perspectives do you hold that create those experiences?

Since you choose your perspectives, the way you look at things, you can choose to have control over your experience.

I thought this worth sharing, and I hope it provides you with worthwhile use.

Have a great weekend!



P.S.  Speaking of perspectives, most traders hold the perspective that their trading system is fine, complete and proper

When things don't go as expected, they blame themselves for lack of discipline or the underlying strategy on which the system is based, or the specific parameters being used (the indicators and rules)

They never consider that there may be something else that's creating the problem, something amiss with the system itself, apart from the parameters or strategy.

I call this the “Trading System X-Factor” and explain it in this short video,
