Brian here and with a short message about a really neat ending that directly relates to trading.
Yeah. I just finished watching a truly delightful movie that I've seen a few times and this time when the ending came around, I realized that the timing is perfect with Thanksgiving being only an hour or so away.
I also realized very quickly that it speaks to traders, simply because of the content and the simple message itself.
I highly recommend watching it. The movie is “Stranger Than Fiction” with Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell, and without ruining the story, I'll share with you the pertinent commentary,
“Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair,
in routine and constancy,
In hopelessness and tragedy,
we can Thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies,
and fortunately, when there aren't any cookies,
we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin,
or a kind and loving gesture,
or a subtle encouragement,
or a loving embrace,
or an offer of comfort,
not to mention hospital gurnies and nose plugs,
an uneaten danish, or soft-spoken secrets
and Fender Stratacasters
and maybe the occasional piece of fiction
and we must remember that all these things,
the nuances, the anomalies,
the subtleties, which we assume only accessorize our days
are in fact here for a much larger and nobler cause
they are here to save our lives”
They make sure that the glass is never completely empty, even in the worst of times, that it is always full to some degree, and we simply need to notice to change our entire outlook.
If we pay attention, even a little, it is easy to find a great many things for which to be thankful.
I hope your holiday is filled with joy, love and the frequent swelling of your heart that brings tears of appreciation.
Have a great Thankgiving weekend!