Trading Psychology – One Thing Trumps Everything Else In Successful Trading

There is ONE THING in trading that trumps all else

Everything else takes a distant second place to this one aspect of profitable trading.

Before I tell you what it is, let me ask you a question.

Which did you think was most important for consistently profitable and relaxed trading?

  • Your winning percentage?
  • Which markets you trade?
  • Your strategy?
  • Your system?
  • Your platform?
  • Your account size?
  • Your money management plan?
  • Your risk management plan?
  • Your data feed?

Huh uh.  None of them is more important than this ONE THING.

Oh, and here's another big clue to how important this is…

With this ONE THING, you can be missing ALL of the others and still wind up a profitable trader.

Okay, so tell me already.  “What is this all important ONE THING?”

Your mindset.

Your collection of beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, biases, filters.

Your decision-making framework and timing determinant.

It is your state of mind, your quality of consciousness and your level of awareness to both the external and internal worlds.

In trading, your mindset is everything.

A trader that has NOTHING to start with will quickly become a profitable trader because with the right mindset, proper and focused action is easy.

…because with the right mindset, emotions are an asset, not a liability.

…because with the right mindset, decision-making is simplified, not compounded.

…because with the right mindset, good timing is natural

Every trader I talk to that has gone from struggling and frustrated to comfortable and at peace experiences a moment, an event where a shift occurs –

and there is a common element for every single one of them:

… it is a shift in their mindset.

It is NOT a new broker they moved to or new trading system or anything else on the list above.

The turning point is always a shift in the mindset.

Now achieving that turning point has certain requirements, and it is something that has to be maintained as well.

But you have to start somewhere, and you'll never achieve it in the first place without one of two things:

1.  You can have such a terrible and traumatic experience that it is forced upon you.

2.  You can give the matter your conscious attention and make it happen on your terms and on your timing.

Which would you prefer?  The second I'm sure.

So to help you with the second path, I've created the Trading Psychology Coach – and you can find out more about it by clicking the link below.

Give me choice number 2



P.S.  Every effort toward improving your mindset mastery pays off.  It is one of those areas where the investment in yourself always reaps a good return.

GET and KEEP the winning mindset by clicking here