I just uploaded the fourth video in the series
“How to Treat Your Trading As A Business”. This
video focuses on the role of the manager.
You've probably heard the saying “Treat your
trading as a business”, but saying it and doing
it are two different things.
There are substantial benefits to doing it, but
how to actually go about it can be a bit of a
challenge if you haven't run a business before.
In this video series which is posted on YouTube
as well as my site, you can watch these videos for
free. They're not pitches, just solid information
to help you become a better trader with less stress
and better results.
You can view this latest video on YouTube at
Or you can more easily view the whole series, which
is recommended, at
Just look on the left side of the page under Videos.
I'll be continuing the series, plus making videos on
individual specific topics as they're sent in to me.
If you've got any topics in mind that you'd like me
to make a video on, just reply to this email and let
me know what it is.
I've received some good suggestions and requests and
those videos will be coming soon, so be checking your
email inbox.
P.S. If you haven't already checked them out, there
are a couple of very inexpensive but very useful reports
available. They compliment the videos and heck, they're
only $7. Just look under the heading “$7 Reports” at