You are currently viewing 007 – Agnieszka Wood Trading Mindset Coach

007 – Agnieszka Wood Trading Mindset Coach

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
007 - Agnieszka Wood Trading Mindset Coach

Agneiszka Wood is a Trading Mindset Coach and the founder of Ahead Coach. She helps traders who want to make a career from trading, but struggle with profit consistency to create a solid mental basis for achieving trading success and financial independence. 

She helps traders to stop failing and start following their trading plan, so they can make consistent profit and live the life they want, because as she puts it, “No strategy can make you stick to your trading plan. But you can and I show you how to do it.”

She bases her coaching on over a decade of my trading experience and +20 years of expertise as an NLP Master Practitioner and a Trainer, and a Life Coach.  She discovered a simple, but very powerful, approach to breaking the cycle of failure and transforming trading into a reliable source of income.

Show Notes

  • How Agneiszka got started in trading after being in some non-related occupations beforehand
  • Her start in Europe and her travel abroad before coming to the U.S.
  • Her start in trading and her struggles, even after being highly successful in nearly all her other endeavors
  • How she had a health scare where she could have died – from the stress she was feeling from her trading which kicked in her survival instincts
  • The one question her therapist asked her that became a major fork in the road in her life
  • The “old thoughts” that came up and how she dealt with them
  • Comfort zones and how they factor in to your trading
  • Dealing with stress while trading
  • Confidence and courage in trading and their critical roles in successful trading
  • How you must have sufficient motivation in your trading to avoid wasting your time
  • How NLP fired her passions to help other traders
  • Why she chose to go “all-in” with traders and no longer coaching others

This podcast is brought to you by, where the focus is specifically on CONSISTENCY, so you’ll find all sorts of unique resources to help you trading profitably and with confidence.

About the podcast

How to find Agnieszka

Visit Agnieszka’s website to learn more about how she can help you stay in control of your emotions,  follow your trading plan and stop breaking your rules, so you can start building consistency and achieve the results you want.

Connect with her on 

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