You are currently viewing 014 – Interview w Kathy Baldwin of TraderGenius

014 – Interview w Kathy Baldwin of TraderGenius

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
014 - Interview w Kathy Baldwin of TraderGenius

Kathy Baldwin has traded stocks, options, and Forex for over 25 years and is a trading student from top hedge fund managers, stock floor traders, and individual traders. She knows technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and almost every trading strategy. She believes that the only way we can be empowered is if we have a strong foundation of support. This comes from being financially free.

Kathy is the creator of and where she took her years of studying human behavior and psychology and her fascination with how the brain works and the power of our central nervous system and merged it with her love of trading the stock market.

Watch the interview here on YouTube

Show Notes

  • Kathy tells how started to help people fully integrate themselves so they can be empowered to be the drivers of their own lives
  • How she got introduced to trading as a teenager from her parents who traded, and how trading was part of their regular dinner time conversation
  • How she focuses right now on people who are not yet traders, but want to find out about it to determine if it is right for them
  • She tells us about, the new site to help people find out if they want to pursue trading, and where her approach is holistic including all facets of a person in addition to being a trader
  • How she helps people to release money blocks and other obstacles to help them avoid sabotaging themselves
  • Kathy is a certified practitioner of the Emotion Code and the Body Code, and does energy healing to release trapped emotions
  • She shares some of how she is able to tap into your energy and speak directly to your unconscious and can get answers through asking binary questions
  • How we’re all connected and there have been experiments which have proven the connectedness, including one done by the HeartMath Institute
  • How she has been able to reconcile her natural tendency to be committed to a trade with getting out when it’s time to exit
  • How it seems that there is a lot of negative energy in the world in recent times and how Kathy believes that everything will come to a head soon, that we are at the far end of the pendulum swing
  • How the knowledge of how people’s brains work has been used against most people by the lobbyists and big corporations
  • How were are leading the change that is coming to the world because we are aware of our energy and by understanding our psychology

This podcast is brought to you by, where the focus is specifically on CONSISTENCY, so you’ll find all sorts of unique resources to help you trading profitably and with confidence.

About the podcast

How to find Kathy

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