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023 – Interview w Phil Newton, Founder of

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
023 – Interview w Phil Newton, Founder of

Phil started out hand drawing charts in the mid-90s as a way to learn about the markets and put into practice what he was reading about in the textbooks.  

In 2001 he went into full-time trading at a prop shop but came to an abrupt end after major health issues and was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease which nearly killed him.  In Jan 2003, while still in recovery, he started trading his own accounts and turned £1,000 into £92,549 and change in around 8 months.

He now trades stocks, stock options, and index futures using a variety of mechanical rule-based trading systems which he also teaches to small groups of serious traders who want to get results without being glued to the computer screen all day.

Show Notes

  • The story of
  • How Phil become interested in trading and his turning point into turning trading as a profession
  • How he found the currency market
  • In-depth conversation in trading currencies and some strategies
  • Different strategies to do depending on different market condition
  • The main obstacles that traders run into and how can to overcome it
  • Using options as an alternative to buy stocks
  • How to manage trade more effectively
  • Phil’s journey in helping other traders in
  • Our thoughts on signal service
  • A quick visual of the mechanical strategy
  • An overview on production line trading

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