You are currently viewing 035 – Interview w Richard Friesen

035 – Interview w Richard Friesen

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
035 – Interview w Richard Friesen

Richard works with independent and professional traders who want to increase their consistent profits. His neuroscience-based Mind Muscles™ model gives his clients the opportunity to reach their goals with online training, simulations, interactive exercises, group support, and real-time decision processes.

Richard has been a futures broker for Merrill Lynch, a floor trader on the CME, CBOT and the options floor of the Pacific Exchange where he built and sold a successful options trading firm. He also founded and built a financial software company and is the inventor of ten significant trading interface patents. This combined with his Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, NLP Master’s certification, and neuroscience focus, brings a unique framework to trading success.

Show Notes

  • Richard’s extensive experience in the trading world, including his roles as a futures broker, floor trader on various exchanges, and his entrepreneurial ventures in the financial industry.
  • He explains how his background in philosophy and psychology led him to focus on self-awareness and mindset in trading.
  • He introduces the concept of the pyramid, detailing the layers of knowledge, skill, beliefs, behaviors, and identity, and how these psychological aspects impact a trader’s success.
  • He shares a personal story about a limiting belief related to his worthiness as a trader and how he overcame it through self-awareness and a shift in mindset.
  • We discussion about specific limitations in trading, often rooted in childhood experiences or beliefs.
  • How to utilize NLP techniques and hypnotherapy to uncover subconscious beliefs and physiological responses related to trading.
  • Techniques to release emotional trauma and limiting beliefs, allowing clients to move towards new, positive behaviors.
  • Richard introduces the Mind Muscles model, designed to identify and address limiting beliefs and behaviors.
  • Origin story of the Mind Muscles model, starting from his personal experiences and expanding to work with traders on various trading floors.
  • Discussion on the prompt that led Richard to write his book, “The Private Conversation with Money.”
  • Exploration of the challenges traders face related to guilt or lack of rapport with making money, especially in the context of having good hearts.
  • He emphasis on the importance of self-care and addressing personal limitations, especially in the face of global anxieties and concerns for future generations.

This podcast is brought to you by, where the focus is specifically on CONSISTENCY, so you’ll find all sorts of unique resources to help you trading profitably and with confidence.

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