You are currently viewing 057 – A Cool Trader’s Journey – Interview w Matt Carver

057 – A Cool Trader’s Journey – Interview w Matt Carver

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
057 – A Cool Trader’s Journey – Interview w Matt Carver

Matt Carver is not a trading celebrity, nor is he a famous author or trading educator.  He’s a real-world trader that’s been on the journey for several years and has reached a level of maturity and success that put him in the 1% of traders that are truly successful in pretty much every regard.

He’s a very down-to-earth person with a cool story he’s lived.  His story is one you can learn from and pick up very helpful insights and practices to make your trading better and also to help you understand trading and yourself.

Show Notes

  • Matt shares his journey of transitioning to trading exclusively on the one-minute chart, emphasizing the discipline and patience required for such a trading style.
  • Matt discusses the positive impact of receiving coaching and mentorship, particularly from Brian, in refining his trading processes and achieving consistent profitability.
  • He discusses the stoic practices, such as self-examination and reflection, which are a valuable tool for personal development.
  • We talked about the pitfalls of social media in the trading world, including the prevalence of misinformation, fake gurus, and the gamification of trading.
  • We delve into the challenges of trading, emphasizing the need for discipline, sticking to a strategy, and resisting the temptation to constantly switch strategies or seek shortcuts.
  • We highlight that trading is a skill-based occupation, not gambling, and success comes from developing and honing skills over time rather than seeking quick profits.
  • Matt shares the significance of journaling not just trades, but personal thoughts and experiences.
  • We discuss the importance of continuous improvement through self-reflection, learning from experiences, and making necessary adjustments in behavior and mindset.
  • Matt reflects on the lessons learned from failure, the importance of perseverance, and the value of embracing the journey, including the rough parts, as opportunities for growth and learning.

This podcast is brought to you by, where the focus is specifically on CONSISTENCY, so you’ll find all sorts of unique resources to help you trading profitably and with confidence.

About the podcast

How to connect 

  • On Twitter – @Trader_M4tt
  • On YouTube – @Trader_M4tt

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