You are currently viewing Problematic Trading Myth #1 (first in a series)

Problematic Trading Myth #1 (first in a series)

myth-factIn my last message, I said I'd share some of the insights I've gained during my last 10 years coaching traders.

I decided to do this as a series, one at a time, so that each can be brief.

One of the most common myths that presents problems is the notion that “there is something wrong with you”.

That somehow you have inherent personal issues preventing you from achieving the success you desire in your trading.

Well I say that is just plain WRONG and that you have what it takes to be successful – right now.

How can I say that when I don't even know you personally?

Well, first off, you have already demonstrated that you're okay with money.

You wouldn't be in a position to trade if you had issues with having money.

Secondly, you have demonstrated that you are okay with success, because again, you wouldn't be here otherwise.

Thirdly, you have the ability and aptitude to be a comfortably successful trader.

Traders in general are above average in intelligence.

So what is the problem then?

In my next message, we'll cover the four sources of psychological obstacles and self-sabotage, which will answer that question for you.

For now, just know that you're okay, and that the difficulties you've been having are not your fault.

So if you've beaten yourself up or felt bad about how things have gone, know that you don't have to any more.

Talk with you soon!



P.S.  Seriously, the problem isn't YOU.

While there is plenty of “help” out there supporting the notion that you have personal problems keeping you from being a successful trader, you are about to see how that myth just isn't true

You don't need a therapist and years of time on a psychiatrist's couch.

The real problem is much easier to fix. 🙂