You are currently viewing 002 – Interview with Adrian Reid of Enlightened Stock Trading

002 – Interview with Adrian Reid of Enlightened Stock Trading

Consistent Profits Podcast
Consistent Profits Podcast
002 – Interview with Adrian Reid of Enlightened Stock Trading

I’m so thrilled to share with you that my new podcast is live AND my first interview is up and ready for you to enjoy!

Adrian has been living the trader’s lifestyle for many years now, trading and traveling the world with his family

He’s definitely a trader that can help you make the most of your trading too, so listen in and enjoy!

Listen on Spotify

Listen on AnchorFM

To learn more about Adrian, visit his site by clicking here


Brian McAboy
The Consistency Coach
P.S.  If you enjoy the podcast, then please share it with your trading friends! 


P.P.S.  Are there any topics in particular you’d like explored?

What traders would you like for me to interview?
Simple reply to this email and let me know and I’ll make it happen!

P.P.P.S.  If you’re tired of struggling alone with your trading and you’d like some help sorting out what’s holding you back, book a call with me