I was in the BooksaMillion book store the other day, picking up a book on my son's summer reading list.
Now I don't know about you, but book stores are like candy stores for me. I can't just go in there and get one thing without browsing around a bit.
So while scanning their latest offerings, I ran across an interesting sounding book which I wound up buying and have begun reading.
Inside the front cover is a quote that I am going to put up on the wall in my house because it's just that worthwhile:
“Success is uncommon, therefore not to be enjoyed by the common man. I'm looking for uncommon people.”
Why do I like it so much?
Because it puts things is a proper yet useful perspective, and here's what I'm talking about: so many people want to take the common path in trading while expecting uncommon results.
They want to enjoy all that trading has offer without making a real business of their trading. They want to find that ‘push-button-easy” way to turn their computer into an ATM – while they remain the same as they've always been.
It is only when one chooses to BE different, and actually become a different kind of person will they realize a different life. One simply cannot be and do ‘average' and enjoy an above average life.
And unfortunately, ‘average' in trading sucks. It really does. The average trader is losing money and not having any fun at all.
When you are ready to begin experiencing the uncommon,
“The Trading Turnaround Coach”
P.S. The book is “Uncommon, Finding Your Path to Significance” by Tony Dungy, Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts. I'm not quite finished with it, but it is a great book so far!