Psychology of Trading – 3 Thoughts On "Appreciation"

Brian here and today I want to share with you, 3 thoughts on “Appreciation”.

1.  The first is where I let you know how much I appreciate your courage, commitment and personal fortitude to pursue trading, and to stay with it even through some hard lessons.

I started trading full time back in 2004 and went through the nasty ‘school of hard knocks' so I know what you've been going through.

To “get back up” after having taking numerous ‘lumps' both financially, mentally and confidence-wise is something only a small percentage in the world can do.

That you are here reading this message demonstrates that you have significant personal “toughness” and strength, and I very much appreciate that.

2.  The second is how much I appreciate that you are putting forth the effort to better yourself.

At Inside Out Trading, the goal is to help you become a better trader, not just the same person with new toys.

Through specific knowledge and purposeful tools, my goal is to help you become a fully self-sufficient and proficient trader.

Your part in this is that you found my site and you treat your trading in a much more mature manner than many.

Again, you are intentionally focusing on developing yourself in to more than you were, and I very much appreciate that.

3.  The third is a perspective.

This one is quite different, and worth reflecting on, and one that I've found very useful.

I'd heard it a long time ago, and ran across it again just the other day.

While most look at money as “power” or “what makes the world go 'round”, this is an entirely different view:

“The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.”

When looked at in this light, it can make it easier to detach from money and simply do what we know we're supposed to do:

Trade well.

It's like ‘money' becomes the Universe's way of commending us for doing a good job, for being sincere in our efforts and for getting out of the ‘Lack' mindset.

…like recognizing that when we go about our trading with the focus on ourselves and the process of good trading, the money will come.

That's why my purpose is to help you become a more proficient trader, self-sufficient and truly independent.

Where you have the specific knowledge (not just more information-overload), training for skill-development, and tools to fulfill your capabilities.

And to finally realize the freedom and security that you wanted when you started trading.

I appreciate who you are and the effort and sacrifices you make.

Keep up the good work and let me know how I can best help you reach your goals.



P.S.  In case you're wondering what inspired me to send this, yesterday I received a card in the mail from one of my clients, saying that he appreciated my help, that it changed the course of his life.

On the cover of the card it said simply,

“Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.” – G.B. Stern

…so I just wanted to let you that I appreciate you too.