Psychology of Trading – A Motivational Quote to Start Your Week

Brian here with a motivational quote and a few additional thoughts to get your week started.

Now pay attention because there is tremendous power in this one, particularly regarding how well your subconscious opposes or supports you in your trading.

“If you don’t see yourself as a winner,
then you cannot perform as a winner.”

— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker

This is the first step in actually realizing your success:  to change your mental picture of yourself.

Do you find it a little difficult to picture yourself as a successful trader?

How about envisioning how your life will be different when you finally do realize the consistent comfortable trading that you seek?

Odds are that you DO find it a bit tough to come up with a clear vision of these two things.

It is surprisingly challenging for most people, because of the ‘normal’ that has been established, to see different future for themselves and hold that vision even for just a few minutes.

It is quite understandable if your experience for the last several months (or perhaps even years) has been one of long hours, a lot of stress, and continued disappointment.

Another BIG contributor to the difficulty is not knowing what to do differently to achieve the different results.

After a bunch of unsuccessful experiences, particularly following the advice of self-proclaimed experts (usually just selling you their newest system), that light at the end of the tunnel can be hard to spot.

What works for many is to seek out and act on new approaches to the problem.

Instead of just recycling the same ‘solutions’ that didn’t work before, you pursue a different means of taking control of your trading.

And when you find a sensible and realistic (not pie-in-the-sky) approach, you can actually see that light at the end of the tunnel.

Seeing yourself as a winner now becomes not only feasible, once you take action on this new approach, winning becomes the natural and most probable outcome.

It all starts and ends with you.

When you change who you are, everything else follows suit.

Begin your transformation right now by clicking here



P.S.  Once you clearly see HOW to reach your goal, your arrival becomes almost a foregone conclusion.

Begin your transformation right now by clicking here