There are certain questions that you should be asking yourself every day as an independent self-directed trader.
On Dr. Phil's show, he always gets around to asking his famous question,
It almost always draws a pretty good laugh from the crowd, and at the same time, everyone just KNOWS that it is the right question to be asking.
Now since you're running a one-person organization as a trader, there are certain questions that you should be asking yourself everyday, just to make sure that you keep your focus where it should be.
Here are 3 critical questions for you to be asking yourself:
2. Am I doing what I know I SHOULD be doing?
3. Should I be trying to tackle this myself or would it be more time and cost-efficient to get help with it?
If you need help, then get it. There is assistance available to you so don't cheat yourself out of getting there quickly and easily.
If you'd like my help, then visit my site,
or right here on my blog
Just take a peek at the resources to the right and see what works for you.
Even if you don't get help from me, get some from somewhere.
Going it alone is definitely one of the hardest ways to achieve success.
Have a great rest of the week!
“The Trading-As-A-Business Coach”
P.S. If your time matters to you, then take advantage of the assistance that is available to you – and allows you to leverage your time in the most efficient way.