Psychology of Trading – Two Critical Questions You Should Be Asking

Brian here and today I have a couple quick and very important questions for you to ponder,  important because they have such an incredible impact on your trading.

Now it is very important that you consider both questions at the same time, as the answers are very much related.

After the second question, I have a sage piece of wisdom from another industry that will serve you well in your trading and again relates to the questions.

The first question is simple and one you've hopefully actually thought about seriously, so here it is:

Question 1:  “Why are you trading?”

The reasons for doing what you do are tremendously important and need to be emotional, not just logical reasons, and they also really need to be much bigger than you.  If not, when tough spells are hit, you can lose your motivation and possibly have your confidence destroyed, so you need something really strong to survive this and keep you going.

Question 2:  “What are you doing with that motivational energy?”

This is NOT a trick question.  Many people get all fired up when they think about why they're trading and what they want to do with the money they'll make, but they don't apply that energy in the right direction.

The mistake commonly made is to get even busier trying to make money.

The right thing to do is to focus on how to get better at trading, even if that means slowing down or even taking a break to regroup if things aren't going well.

Main thing is to not just keep dreaming and trading away.  You are a trader and you want to get very good at making money via trading, not just busy trading away.

The sage wisdom that serves you too:

In the real estate industry, there is a phrase that goes,

“Bank in the bank, not in your head.”

What the essentially means is to focus on the PROCESS of making money through trading.

Don't just sit around daydreaming about all the money that you'll make and how you're going to spend it.

You have to get on with getting your trading business properly organized, getting yourself trained and in general focus on the process and your operation more than the money.

Too many traders just think (often without really thinking about it) that if they can just get to making money, that everything else will somehow magically fall into place and the consistent profits will simply flow in month after month.

There is no magic fairy.

If you want a reliable source of wealth generation and income, and you want it within a reasonable period of time, then you have to make it happen with intention and on purpose.

It ain't gonna happen by chance and there's no magic fairy going to come along and put it under your pillow.

If you're not sure how to make it happen efficiently and you'd like guidance and assistance, then I can help you.

Click here to find out more

Of course if you have questions, just let me know.


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S.  Information is good, but sometimes a little good ol' thinking and reflecting are extremely valuable too. 🙂