Stock Trading: new video on protecting your portfolio

I'd like to personally invite you to watch a brand-new video that just came my way from the guys at The Options University.

Here's what it's all about…

On this short, information-packed video, you'll discover some ‘little-known' but POWERFUL facts about options trading!

Check it out now here:
Protect your portfolio video

On this video, you'll discover:

* Why the CORRECT use of options can be your KEY to not only recovering your losses in the recent market meltdown and to PROTECT YOUR PORTFOLIO, but also to EXPLOIT the WIDE DAILY SWINGS in the market to extract oversized gains as the market recovers (there are ways to do that, and you can learn how…)

* Why options were designed to be the “Perfect Hedge” against anything and everything else going on in the stock market. With the proper use of options, you could have FULLY PROTECTED your portfolio against the recent massive market volatility… and potentially saving yourself TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in the historic market massacre…

* The many “virtues” of options trading (yes, that's right…
options trading is not “risky” or “dangerous” as the clueless mainstream financial media portray… far from it! When used the ‘right' way, they can be your ‘best friend'…)

* The unusual “jack hammer” analogy of using options in trading (both are very powerful tools, but can be dangerous when used improperly… or by someone who doesn't know how to use them…)

* The 3 major “advantages” of options over any other type of trading vehicle. (Once you FULLY GRASP and understand these advantages, you may never want to trade stocks again… at least not the same way you've done so up until now…)

* How to get your hands on the SAME OPTIONS TRADING INFORMATION taught to some of the highest-paid options floor traders on Wall Street (and why this information is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to you NOW than it was to them THEN…)

* How a 15-year options floor trading veteran taught his toughest student to date – his DAD – to trade options (and how this 72-year old, thick-headed Italian is making more money in the markets today than he ever has in his life…)

* And finally… how to get your hands on some of the most valuable (yet F.R.E.E.), accurate, no B.S. options trading information you've ever seen.

Well, I hope you now see why I'm so excited about this video, and why I wanted to get this information out to you as soon as I heard about it.

Anyway, I don¹t want to give too much away right now. To get ³the rest of the story², you¹ll need to watch the video.

Here¹s the link to get immediate access to this video…

Protect your portfolio video

This is exciting! I'd advise you to check this out as soon as possible.

And by the way, there's a special added “surprise” for you at the end of the video…



P.S. This is one of the most interesting videos I've seen in a long time. I'll bet you've never thought about options trading like this before…

And you may never look at them the same way again!

Here's that web page again to watch the video…

Protect your portfolio video

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