Ever have those days when you find yourself yelling
at your computer (or wanting to really badly) because
of how frustrating the markets can be?
I know what you mean. Done that plenty of times.
I don't yell or feel like kicking my PC off the table
anymore though, and it's a MAJOR relief.
During my early career as a trader, I kept wanting to
believe that there was some way to outsmart the markets,
that there was some special combination of indicators
that I could figure out (the old intellectual challenge)
that would make it easy to consistently hit winners and
bring in those big profits.
It took quite a while, but I finally came to the big
realization that I needed to focus on myself, that I had
been looking in the wrong place for an answer to my
I wanted to deny it for a long time because it sounded
like a lot of work and I certainly didn't want to wait.
But then I got to thinking about the whole matter in
a different light.
I thought to myself, “I'm going to be at this for a long
time, probably years, so taking a few months to get myself
where I should be – as a trader – really would be worth
the relatively short time.”
But what to do?
I also came to the realization that I wasn't smarter than
the millions of traders that had come before me. I was
going to need some help.
I got the help I needed and did the work on myself that
was due.
Things are much different now, and fortunately I'm in the
position to help others.
I've created a club with the primary purpose to help
you end the days of frustration and yelling at the computer.
Check out The Trading P.I.T. Club
The Trading P.I.T. Club (Professionals-in-Training) is
about helping you in the areas that you need help and
having the support of like-minded traders, those that
have the desire to become professionals.
Take a look.
Check out The Trading P.I.T. Club
You might just find what you have been looking for all
P.S. There are some pretty good bonuses for getting in
on the ground floor of this Club, so check it out right