“What Is The Fastest Way to Havethe Biggest Impact on Your Bottom Line…Without Changing

Your System, Markets, Broker or Software?”

You can immediately improve your profitability by up to 41% or more by eliminating the losses and missed profits caused by your emotions. Most traders make the mistake of trying to ignore, suppress or forcibly control their emotions because they don't know what else to do.Now there is help…



Brian McAboy

featured on the Chicago Board of Trade

11:46 a.m.



Dear Friend,


Emotions can be the
most challenging and most costly factor in your
trading, and not knowing how to effectively manage
emotions is the one reason that so many traders leave
large amounts of money on the table every month. But,
it's easier said than done when you don't know what to
do, isn't it?

As a result, traders often focus
solely on the technical aspects of their trading,
hoping that by working in these areas they can make a
big difference in their results. It is important to
have these areas in order, but you can have
an even more substantial impact on your bottom line

by eliminating certain inefficiencies in your trading
(like mistakes due to emotional influence). Let's look
at a hypothetical example to illustrate.

Let's say
you're doing pretty well…

In our
hypothetial example
have a system that will consistly pick
winners 70%
Your risk / reward
rules dictate that you only place trades
that have a ratio of 3-to-1 profit to
Your average risk
going in is $150
You place 10 trades
per month


Let's presume that you stick to
your system pretty well, but not exactly (so
you're not truly getting all there is to be had
on each trade – within your system rules) and
you only have a major slip up once in a while.

Potential with your
Current System
Actual Profit/Loss
$ (150.00) $ (150.00)
$ 450.00 $ 400.00 Got nervous & out
$ 450.00 $ 425.00 Hesitated getting in
$ (150.00) $ (150.00)
$ 450.00 $ 440.00
$ 450.00 $ 375.00 Got nervous & out
$ 450.00 $ 430.00 Hesitated getting in
$ (150.00) $ (150.00)
$ 450.00 $ 450.00
$ 450.00 $ (150.00) Stayed in way
too long
Net for 10 trades $2,700.00 $ 1,920.00 —-> 71.1%
But how much money was left on the

So in dollars and percentages, what
would have been the improvement in your
results if you had truly maximized your
system and avoided the mistakes from
emotional influence over the course of a

Monthly Annual
Increased % Increase Increase
Net Result 41% $780.00 $9,360.00

As you can see, by fully maximizing what
you've already got in place, you can realize substantial

Of course, the above is just a
hypothetical example, but you can see what your own
trading is missing and how you can make a huge
difference in your bottom line just by avoiding the
missed opportunities due to emotional influences.

The key is to effectively
manage your emotions so that you get the most out of
your trading!
But you already knew that,
didn't you, and it's not as easy as you'd like. Now
there is help…


And why should you listen to me?

Rather than have me
answer that, here are some comments from others:



“Brian McAboy brings a
refreshing new perspective to trader development.
His background in process engineering really lets
him approach things in a completely different
way than most trading educators. As a result, you
won't get the same old tired material from him. He
will allow you to see your trading from a whole new
angle, one which can definitely help you be a better

– John Forman

Best-selling author
of “The Essentials of Trading”




“For those that truly
desire to become great traders, Brian McAboy can help
in that pursuit substantially.  Anyone wishing to
significantly improve their trading is sure to enjoy
and benefit from his helpful insights and his concise
way of communicating.  I give Brian five stars!”

– Matt Zaner

Principal and Owner of
Zaner Group, LLC, Brokerage Firm




“Brian, thank you for putting together this great
resource! The TGEM is helping me to identify my
personal issues that I am having with my trading and
is teaching me how to address these issues. The TGEM
is taking away much of the frustration I've had in
trading and is making it fun again! I especially
like the Good Trading Checklist and the Digging-Deep
Questionnaire!   I have these printed out
and taped near my computer, and I am going through
the checklist and questions before and after I make
a trade. These lists are definitely helping me to
focus and feel better about a trade rather than
worried about it!  Thanks again for this and
your efforts for helping me out!”

– Glenn Martin, Individual trader

Colorado Springs, CO


Trader's Guide To Emotional Management

What Have Your Emotions Cost You?

Remember the
last time you stayed in a trade too long? Did you kick
yourself afterwards?  How about the last time you
hesitated, then got into the market too late? Or just
plain missed getting in altogether? 

How much did it cost
you?  How long did it take you to recover and
How does it
affect your confidence when you get caught up in
your emotions and do things that you know you
shouldn't do… but do them anyway?

Now you can easily stop
shooting yourself in the foot and taking steps
backwards. You've just discovered the way to take
the emotional mistakes out of your trading and make
a huge change in your trading experience.

As I'm sure you've
experienced, and with rare exception, the
most costly trades are due to emotions influencing
your decisions
.  Even worse is the
fact that the more emotional mistakes you're making,
the more likely you are to repeat them.
So is the key to try to trade without


key is not to take the emotions out of your trading,
just the emotional
mistakes.  You are a
human being and your feelings are part of who you are.
It is all in how you deal with your emotions – do you
fight them,  try to suppress or ignore them, or
do you pay attention to them, listen to them and have
them work for you? 

Are you
tired of…

  • Beating yourself up while you watch the market run,
    because you got out too early?
  • Freezing when you should pull the trigger, then
    getting in when most of the profits are already
  • Wondering if
    anyone is actually making money trading?
  • Kicking yourself
    for making “stupid” mistakes because of fear or
  • Feeling the
    despair after a string of losses, wondering if you
    should just give up?
  • Knowing what you
    should do, but failing to stick to your discipline,
    then regretting it later and wondering what's wrong?

Do you want to trade better
by keeping your emotions on an even keel, and have a
very simple way to comfortably:

  • Understand how your emotions are influencing your
    thoughts, decisions and actions – PLUS what you can
    DO to affect change
  • Get yourself under control in your trading
  • Have your emotions HELP you with your trading
    rather than cause you to lose out

…then when you get this guide, you will have in your
hands a very straightforward means to trade with your
emotions.  They are part of who you are, so you
can either fight them or try to shut them down, OR you
can acknowledge them, learn how to work with them and
have your emotions be your trusted friend in your
trading and have them serve you well.

If You Don't Understand What's Causing The
Problem, How Are You Ever Going To Fix It?

This guide empowers
you on a conscious level to identify, fully
understand, and address the subconscious factors that
create the emotional conflict in your trading and
prevent you from trading at your best.

“I've found The Trader's
Guide to Emotional Management extremely
practical and down-to-earth. My feeling is that
it's like a one to one therapy when I go
through and think about the diagnostic questions
in relation to the various trading problems.
It's a self-discovery process and it works like
it's been tailor-made for any individual reader
regardless of their trading background.

Thanks again for your
contributions to traders' world!”

– Jesse Chan, Individual trader

Kowloon City, Hong Kong

How will your equity graph and month-end
account balance look when you consistently trade
calmly, confidently and in a relaxed and focused

Trader's Guide To Emotional Management





What Does the Trader's
Guide To Emotional Management Do For You?

This guide takes you
right to the root of the problem and shows you specifically why
you do what
you do when things go wrong and result in lost money.
It then gives you appropriate actions to take to
prevent or avoid the regrettable mistakes in your


The Trader's Guide empowers you to:

  • Swing the balance of the equation in your favor –
    and end the “coulda, shoulda woulda's”
  • Give yourself that edge that you've been looking
    for – and see it on your bottom line
  • End the regret from 'emotional' mistakes, and feel
    much better about yourself and your trading
  • Discover how to listen to your emotions, not just
    get pounded by them – feel some freedom
  • Take your current system to the next level – keep
    the one you've got – and profit more
  • Have control over yourself when you need it – and
    feel your confidence soar
  • Stop “un-necessarily” giving money to the markets –
    no more having to make it back
  • Enjoy better discipline – be more comfortable
    sticking with your system, by having a knowing of why you've been
  • Feel more confident about pulling the trigger when
    you see a good set up – get those winners
  • Be more comfortable with letting your winners run –
    and be partying instead of pouting
  • Most of all, you'll be able to settle down and
    enjoy the good trading that you know you're capable
What's in the Trader's
Guide to Emotional Management?


Here's what in
this 93-page downloadable e-guide:
  • Introduction

  • Notes
    About This Guide
  • General
    Thoughts On Confidence and Fear
  • The
    Different Schools of Thought in
  • The
    Digging-Deep Questionnaire
  • The
    Good Trading Checklist
  • THE
    Key to Trading With Your Emotions
  • Analysis
    of over 50 Specific Mistakes That
    Traders Make. Here's a sneak peek at
    just PART of the list
    • Exiting a trade before your system
    • Getting into a trade before the
      signals indicate
    • Getting out before the stop is hit
    • Going for that extra pip or point when
      the system says otherwise.
    • Having one's focus too much on the
    • Hesitating
    • Ignoring support and resistance levels
    • Ignoring the technicals while in a
    • Ignoring your indicators
    • Letting the opinion of others cause
      you to deviate from your system
    • Micro-managing a trade once it is
    • Moving stops when they should be left
    • Not defining the trade your are
    • Not paying attention to detail
    • Over trading

PLUS, The Trader's
Emotional Toolkit – full of methods and
techniques to address the particular
issues discovered with the diagnostic
questions in the analyses



Trader's Guide To Emotional Management



Attention:  Owners of The Subtle Trap of

Now, for those of you who
that already have The Subtle Trap of Trading,
you may be wondering:  “Is this the same
thing?”  No it is not.  As you know, the
Subtle Trap begins by explaining the events and
circumstances that occurred early in your trading
career that created many of the challenges you're
experiencing now, then walks you through the steps to
overcome your early beginnings.  It then covers
numerous aspects of trading including emotions, while
The Trader's Guide expands greatly on your emotional
decision-making process and goes much more in-depth
into the individual mistakes that traders make, plus
covers more of them.  They are a very good
compliment to each other and both would be excellent
additions to your trading library!



When You Get The Guide, You Also Get The
Following Bonuses:


Special Bonus #1 – The Trade Planner (this one is

Do you want an easy to use, clear
and straightforward tool for planning your trades, so
that you can relax,
knowing what to do regardless of the market moves?

Every broker and veteran on the planet will tell you
that one of the most common and most costly mistakes
losing traders make is not properly planning their

I remember when I first started trading, planning the
trades was very uncomfortable because I didn't really
know how to do it well.  No one had shown me the
right way to plan out a trade so that I knew going in
what to do in each of the possible scenarios of market

By having a properly prepared plan for each trade, you'll know in advance
when to exit, where to place your stops, how to maximize your profits and
minimize your losses
!  The peace of mind
is wonderful!!


Bonus #2 –
Risk and Money Management by
John Forman

critical to your success as a trader is the management
of your risk and your money.
  This chapter from John's
not-yet-released book “Time Crunch Trading” goes in
depth into these absolutely essential trading subjects.

Special Bonus #3 – Underground Trading
Report from Mark McRae

Several months ago, Mark surveyed
hundreds of traders, asking what their biggest
questions and concerns were.  In this report, he
answers those questions that came from that
survey.  Terrific report with answers to
questions that you have about  trading.
Both enlightening and entertaining!



You can't lose with our 100%,

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee



Promise to You

I am so absolutely certain
that this guide is worth every penny and so much more to
you, that I guarantee it's value to you.  If at
anytime for the next 60 days, you feel that this course
has failed to give you the tools you need to be
empowered in dealing with your emotions, then send me an
email letting me know how it has failed you and I will
gladly refund your money.

If you've read this far and
are considering getting this guide, then obviously you
see that you can benefit greatly by getting it. And I
know without any question that the guide represents a
worthwhile investment for you in your trading – I am
absolutely certain of it. In trading, even a single
trade poorly executed is more expensive than this guide.
By knowing how to effectively manage your emotions and
avoid leaving money on the table, you WILL be money



I'm Ready To Get The
Guide Right Now!  

You're smart to act now and not wait
until the next time you get caught up and feel
the pain again.

I know from my
own experience that it cost me at least $1,000
every time my
emotions took over
. Ending the
emotional mistakes in my trading was of value
beyond words because when I was suffering the
losses, it affected more than just my
account. What a difference it made and in
so much more than my trading!


a limited time, only $39 USD

Trader's Guide To Emotional Management


 Click HERE to
Claim your copy!

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Brian McAboy

New Ireland
Ventures, LLC

Inside Out Trading


phone: (803) 381-8282

2007-2014 New Ireland Ventures, LLC
For other useful Trading
tools, go to Inside Out Trading



There is a substantial risk of financial loss in
trading.  No Guarantees are made with regards to your
profits or losses. Examples are for illustration purpose
of a fictional and hypothetical situation. Your trading
results WILL differ from that in the examples above and
are fully your own responsibility. The contents are for
informational purposes only.