Visit any forum or chat room and you'll find three things
that are stopping most people from achieving the success
they desire in trading.
Worry, doubt and fear are Trading Vampires that can suck
all the good things right out of your trading!
Your energy
Your attention
Your confidence
Your ability to act without hesitation
Your enjoyment of trading
Your profitability
But, think about this for a second.
Do successful traders ever have worry, doubt or fear in
their lives?
Of course they do!
The big difference is they do not allow these negative
feelings control their actions or inaction.
These negative feelings are consciously overcome or
Even the most successful traders will open new and
incredible possibilities for success instantly by
removing these limitations.
Those who have not gotten their first real taste of
success yet, will have even more spectacular results
when they learn to master these Trading Vampires.
But how?
I will tell you a story about someone I know well,
who fought until he was able to stumble onto how to
master them…
I know him because I look in the mirror at him daily!
Yes, I have had many experiences with Trading Vampires.
I will tell you exactly how I got the upper hand in
that battle!
The first step was to stop looking for answers anywhere
outside of myself.
I had to face the fact that it wasn't the markets that
were suddenly going to start favoring me just because
I wanted them to.
My system wasn't the problem because I wasn't sticking
to it well enough to say.
I simply had to make the decision that I WAS going to
make it as a trader and the only way to do that was to
make myself into the trader that I knew I was capable
of becoming.
One that followed his system with confidence
One that took the right actions without hesitating
One that knew where I was going with my trading, instead
of just trying to make money at it.
The first and biggest step was to take control of my
own destiny as a trader, and take responsibility for
my results – no more blaming anything.
I decided that if I was going to make it, I had to
approach the whole thing differently.
When I made that decision, it came to me that a large
part of the problem had been that I looked at trading
as something to do, not as a business and a new
I'd made career changes before, but nothing prepared me
for trading, so I had to do some homework.
That's when it all started coming together.
Now the lessons that I learned in that research and in
my time helping other traders, I've been able to not
only identify many helpful tips, tricks and techniques,
I've been able to tap on my experience as a trainer and
tutor in other areas to assemble a full curriculum of
what a person needs to become a successful trader.
If you have the desire to fulfill your potential as a
trader and succeed in this new occupation you've chosen,
and you really don't want all the sweat, blood and tears
involved in going it alone, then I invite you to check
out Trading As Your Business
Students of the Trading As Your Business training
enjoy the peace of mind and confidence that come
from having a realistic and working business plan
and being a self-sufficient and truly independent
trader. Nothing beats the feeling of confidence from
having your operation in order and the ‘know-how'
that keep your Trading Vampires under control.
No stress, worry, doubt or fear.
These negative feelings will be replaced by a feeling
of calm and confidence you've never experienced before.
Everything will become possible for you, and with so
much less effort and struggle than you've become used to.
You are deserving.
You have the power and the capability to succeed.
Simply remove the Trading Vampires from your life and
allow yourself to get there.
Go now and experience a miracle in your trading life!
P.S. If you've been struggling with many issues or
just a particular few, this training will help you
address them. Once you do, you can't help but see
a difference! If nothing else just the elimination
of fear, doubt and worry is a gift in itself.