The Disciplined Trader Killer Bonus – Only from Brian

Here's WHY you want to sign up for the “Disciplined Trader” course from Norman Hallett, and do so…

only through my link: The bonus that you only get from me is what will take Norman's teaching to the next level.

Nothing is more frustrating than sitting there after a bad trading day (week, or month), looking at your results and knowing that you could have done way better – but didn't.

Norman's course is excellent and will help you greatly, no doubt.

What's the bonus?

“Understanding the 4 Common Causes of Self-Sabotage and How To Prevent Them From Killing Your Account”

This video set will open your eyes to 4 very common causes of self-sabotage for traders, and gives you specific actions you can take to make sure that they don't happen to you.

You'll understand WHY you do things knowingly that you later regret – and what you can do to keep them from happening again.

Plus I'm even throwing in a FREE copy of the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management!

In the Guide, you'll find a checklist of the things you MUST do before you can even hope to be free of emotional flares – until you've attended to these items, you'll always be susceptible to emotions flaming up and causing bad trades.

Get the Disciplined Trader Course right now, and make sure you use MY link below to get the Self-Sabotage videos AND the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management.

You'll only get my bonus when you use MY link.

Don't hesitate or ‘get to it later'.  Do it now. This is limited to the first 30 action-takers.

If you wait, you'll miss out.



P.S.  The first step to improving your discipline is to stop hesitating and take the action you know you should – right now.  Hesitation now only reinforces it later in your trading.

P.P.S.  Signup for the Disciplined Trader goes live at noon, Tuesday Sept 1, and at 9:00 a.m. for those on the VIP Notification list.